Wednesday 31 October 2012

Release Form

 As my film sequence is starring a young child, I have asked for a signed release form from the parents of the chosen actress as well as the actors considered. Here is an example of the release form I have sent and underneath are the signed release forms.

To Parent/Carer,

As part of my A2 Film Studies coursework I am required to produce a short film sequence. In doing so I would like your son/daughter to take part in this as the main character. Your son/daughter will be playing the part of a ghost and therefore, will have to act upset quite frequently throughout filming as well as angry. There are also some happier scenes which your son/daughter will be part of where he/she has to simply act him/herself by playing around with toys.
If you consent to your son/daughter being part of my coursework then that would be much appreciated. Please sign below if you agree to the above.


Stevie :)

Richard Dean: This is signed by the father of Curtis.
I have not decided to use Curtis as the main
 character within my film sequence.

John Clarkson: This consent form is signed by the
 father of Charlie, who I have not decided to
 use within my film but, like Curtis, his image is
 shown on my blog.
Gail Clarkson: This consent form is signed by the
mother of Laura Grey, who is the young girl I have
 decided to star in my short film sequence.

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