Wednesday 24 October 2012

'Maltese Falcon' Re-Make: Shooting Schedule
  • Monday 8th October, 2:50pm - 4:00pm - During this time period, as a group, we filmed the part of the scene which starred Yasmin Burhan as 'Spade' and Chantelle Norman-Golding as 'Effie'. 'Spade' is rolling a cigerette in his office chair whilst 'Effie' arrives in his office to explain to him about the arrival of a woman who wishes to converse with him, 'Miss Wonderly'. We also filmed the words 'Spade and Archer' imprinted upon the window behind 'Spade'.
  • Tuesday 9th October, 12:40 - 1:40 - Within this particular hour, our group filmed the conversation between 'Spade' and 'Miss Wonderly' played by Yasmin Burhan and Lucy Cullingworth before 'Archer' enters the room and the conversation.
  • Wednesday 10th October, 11:30 - 4:00 - This time period was used to film the rest of the scene as we had an extended amount of time on this day. Therefore, the group filmed the part in which 'Archer' enters 'Spade's' office and joins in the conversation between 'Spade' and 'Miss Wonderly'. Also, a conversation between 'Spade' and 'Archer' by themselves was filmed as well as 'Miss Wonderly' leaving the office. The character of 'Archer' was played by myself, Stevie-Lee Ingham.
Unfortunately, we did not manage to film the entire footage we were supposed to due to limited time and other circumstances. So, as a result of this, the ending of the sequence where 'Archer' gets shot was not filmed and therefore will not be in our final product.

'Maltese Falcon': Editing Schedule
  • Monday 15th October, 10:20 - 2:50 - On this date, Yasmin Burhan and Lucy Cullingworth spent the time shown editing the footage we had. This was the only day spent editing as it was completed within the time Yasmin and Lucy had. Me and Chantelle where unable to attend the editing session due to having to attend lessons during this time.

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