Tuesday 30 October 2012

Casting Considerations

Before I plan to start filming I need to consider some actors/actresses for the roles of 'Sophia/Robbie' and 'Bethani'.

'Sophia/ Robbie' Considerations 

Curtis: Curtis is three years old and the reason I am considering
using him for the part of Robbie is because he has very distinguishing
facial features therefore I believe he would play the part of a ghost child
very well.

Laura Louise Grey: Laura is seven years old and
I am considering her for the part as, like Curtis, she is very good
at looking scary. Also, Laura live's close to me therefore she is
easy to access whenever I need to film. I also believe she will be very
obedient and a good actress.
Charlie Clarkson: Charlie is three years old
and is very good at acting in the sort of
manner I need for my film sequence.

'Bethani' Considerations
Sophie Jessop: I am considering using
Sophie for the part of 'Bethani' as she has helped
me before when I have needed her to do some acting
therefore I know she is reliable and good at been obedient
and acting well.

Stevie-Lee Ingham: I am considering using
myself for the part of 'Bethani' as I will be able to play
the part how I wish for it to be played. Also, if I use
myself I won't have any reliability problems.
Gail Clarkson: I am considering using Gail for the part
of 'Bethani' as I know she is reliable and lives fairly close to me.
Also, Gail is more of the age of  'Bethani' than
my other considerations therefore using Gail will make
my charcters identity more believable.

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