Thursday 1 November 2012

Health and Safety

When filming my short film sequence there will be potential risks which I need to be aware of prior to the filming process beginning.

Forward tracking shot down the stairs, backward tracking shot up the stairs
When I am travelling up and down the stairs to create these shots I need to ensure I do not fall down the stairs
To prevent this I will be very cautious with my footing when carrying out this shot. Also, I will make sure I am the only one filming therefore I am the only person that could be in danger
A high angle shot of my character playing with a doll's house requires me to stand on a table to get the shot correctly therefore I need to ensure I do not fall off the table. If this does occur I could fall on the actress and harm her as well as myself
To prevent this I will be careful with where I place my feet and ask another member of my production team to hold the table still whilst I film the relative shot
Outside shot of my character playing on a slide
This could be hazardous as the weather may be cold which may create ice on the ground therefore myself or the actress could slip over causing ourselves injury and breaking the filming equipment
To prevent this I will ensure we are filming not near icy parts of the ground, trying to avoid them throughout the process of filming outside
Filming Equipment
Those who were not involved in my filming process could fall over the filming equipment when it is placed in a secluded area of the house for example, the hallway
To prevent this I need to inform everyone in the house when filming where the camera is at all times so they do not trip over it
Children's Toys
I need to ensure people do not trip over these props
To prevent this I will be making people aware where the props are placed and telling them to be careful when near them so they do not fall over them resulting in harming themselves. I also need to ensure I do not fall over the props either by making sure I am aware where they are placed for each different scene
Small Tri-Pod
I need to ensure the camera and tri-pod, when in position, do not fall off the table
To prevent this from happening I need to ensure the camera and the tri-pod are placed in a stable position on the table ensuring they are unable to fall off, which could cause the equipment to break and if it were to fall on someone it could harm them

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